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This version was saved 15 years, 5 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Thomas Gardner
on April 22, 2009 at 11:58:40 am

Plan Date of Next Session


Recording from Vienna concert 28 March (first draft instant stereo mixdown)

1st Stereo mix of Vienna


Recording of Seminar at LCC on 18th March

(Ive tried uploading the 100 mb MP3, but cant see it yet)







Recordings from rehearsal on 13-03-2009









Current stuff



Next  - Friday 13th March 2009 12am till 5pm

Plan for next rehearsal


Wednesday 18th set up at 2pm Improv at 4, wine provided after --- An improv and seminar, which Taina Riikonen will do with us at LCC in the afternoon. For the staff and research students. David Toop, Cathy Lane and others will come to discuss the work, and up to 15 research students.


Friday 20th rehearsal (time to be confirmed, ie could be late afternoon morning evening – whatever is best). Taina will be there to observe and engage.


Week of 23rd To be discussed. The Monday looks good, Friday 27th not good as some of us have flights that day. See what we need.


To Do list

 To Do List


Notes from last rehearsal

Rehearsal Notes from Friday 6th March 2009


Earlier stuff



Met on 30th January (notes to come soon) here is the recording

ecosonic rehearsal lcc Jan 30th 2009.mp3


Met on 9th January (video and notes to come soon)


notes from our debriefing here Debriefing 21st November 2008







Sub pages to visit


Earlier Rehearsal / performance notes

Ideas for discussion

Background references and documents





YouTube video: Ecosonic - City performance





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