Plan Date of Next Session

Fixing a day for our next session.


Next Session/Seance  


Friday 12th June is OK - so lets meet then.


OK (kirsten)


I'll be there - stephen


Proposed schedule

11.30 Set up and play

1:30 Lunch at Mary's Bar (staff cafe) - plan future

2:15 Play



We can use the Foley room (next to the performance lab which I think will be busy). Its a bit small but completely dark.





IF that doesnt work this is a list of all the Fridays for the next 2 months. Make a list of the ones you can do and stick it down here. OK darlings.


May 22 29

June 5 12 19 26

July 3 10 17 24 31


Thomas can do  | May 22 29 | June 5 12 19 26| July 3 10 24 31


Peter can do May 22 29 | June 5 12 26 | July all Fridays cool so far


Kirsten can do June  12  19 26 | July 3 but not sure yet about rest



We are thinking of 12 till 4 as a session, with speedy setting up to start. 


Potential 10 min  performance|: - cancelled - see below

Wednesday 3rd June   whitechapel gallery - Creative studio , 6 till 8,  


T - Im checking to see if speakers are there and what the ambient light is like.

Breaking news, this just in:

 One of the walls is actually a balcony with a large window and at that time of the evening in June I think there would be a substantial amount of light. Also there are no loudspeakers,

So I think this is not a good one to attempt, for 10 mins,,,


Nevermind eh