
Rehearsal ideas for 19 Sept 08

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on September 10, 2008 at 10:09:58 pm

Ideas for rehearsal with Iris and Seth Ayyaz


Explore how the acoustic sounds work/fit together with

Ambient (various forms)

Duetting – antiphonal?; argument

Set parameters eg. technique /explore limits/parallel between instruments; timed (argument/bonding)


Try forms of chorus + individual voices

Eyeconic, facial communication?


Suggest for performance we work towards a version of the Big Bang


Additional ideas from 5.9.08:

Proximity of events - ie closeness of social engagement - physical proximity as in dialogue moving outwards to physical distance made close by aural engagement (distant sounds in ambient impros)

Slow, physical ambient.

(Thomas, do you remember what was meant by these notes? - I'm damned if I do)

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