Good news
I have received the new improved fitted Ouija sheet.
Names for group
something to do with haunt, unconscious, other spirits coming to us, hidden influence
umbra sonore, Seance, sub-liminal, hidden knowledge, automatic writing,
The kind of name that I think would be good is one that helps us in the improvisations. Personally I think that something related to Seance, something to do with haunt, unconscious, other spirits coming to us, hidden influence (sub-liminal) etc apparently, according to seth, ouija means hidden knowledge - so if you have any sudden flashes of spooky insight please tell.
It could be that the whole ouija idea is exactly mirrored in the way that we listen to each others arguments and differences - that these provide/provoke the unconscious source of direction
something to do with ecosonics and our history
something to do with liminal
Some ideas from Peter:
Shadow Project
Penumbra Project
err... that's it for this morning
Post Vienna -
Distribute and edit the 9 channel files - balance of ouija and live instrumental feeds.
Audio mix to be sent to Viki in Vienna - for addition to video.
Possible remixes, use as source materials - starts to build an archive for potential studio projects + deployment in future live sets.
Joint article with Taino Riikonen - "A Question of Liminality: Ecosonic Negotiations of Improvisation Interaction"............
Consider the implications of spaceshipmanship and porcine offsetting.
For Wednesday 18th
Get someone to video it and record the session and discussions
For Vienna
Decide on Monitoring and speaker placement for Vienna
Try to get the right camera -
Documentation of gig (christian, victoria at gig peter remind) comments on Wiki one to do page.
Promo and Further Development
Public web set of Promo material (Kirsten as Web designer)
Promo package
Archive facility
Ouija improvements and technical changes
Select a time slice up for buffers
Further attention to Relative levels of sounds
Press ‘record’ to get a recording of our performance
Set up spots for Second Ouija player
Get dots and cover of Ouija board sorted for easy set up.
Get camera and camera holder/positioner sorted. (May need a Firewire2 cconverter so that video data goes in via a separate firewire connection from the MOTU to avoid bandwidth problems)
Ouija Technical changes
2nd copy of Max video program
Give Peter a global volume control
I made the grid size smaller (20x20), which may have made the ouija more responsive, as Peter said - but also may have made it harder to do small gradual differences.
Check the scaling of the input through the system - do we lose something at the top end.
Made the sine extractor 11 times louder, made seths file 1 down to normal levels.
The lemur was not connecting - needed to reset my IP address in Jazz Editor
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